全学共通教育推進機構では准教授(英語担当)を募集しますThe University of Shiga Prefecture Institute for Promotion of General Education Guidelines for Application for the Position of Full-time Associate Professor of English Education

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1 所属  (Affiliation)


       Institute for Promotion of General Education, The University of Shiga Prefecture.


2 職種・人員 (Type and number of positions)

  専任准教授(英語担当) 1名

       Associate Professor of English Education, one (1) position.


3 雇用形態(Terms of employment) 

  常勤 (任期なし) ※定年65歳
        Full-time, tenured position (mandatory retirement age of 65).


4 着任予定日(Starting date) 

   2019年 4月1日
         April 1, 2019.


5 職務内容 (Responsibilities)

(1) 授業担当 全学共通基礎科目等の「英語」 週8コマ程度

(1)The teaching of General English classes and other required classes, approximately eight classes per week.

(2) 全学共通教育の英語教育のコーディネートおよび統括(各種会議等への参加を含む英語教育の推進にかかる企画・運営)
(2)Coordination and supervision of the General English education program, including committee meetings related   to the planning and administration of the program and management of the English language teaching staff.

(3) 入試業務

(3)Entrance examination related work.

(4) その他機構長が必要と認める業務

(4)Other duties as designated by the Director of the Institute.


6 教育専門分野(Fields of Specialization)


 TESOL, English linguistics, British/American literature, English communication, or related fields.


7 応募資格(Qualifications)


  Ideally, candidates possess the following attributes:

(1)  日本語を母語としない者は、大学の事務書類を読むことができ、会議等で議論できる程度の日本語能力を有すること。日本語を母語とする者は、高度な英語の運用能力を有すること。(英語圏での留学経験または居住実績があることが望ましい。)

(1)In cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is other than Japanese, sufficient Japanese ability to read school documents and participate fully in administrative meetings. In cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is Japanese, notably strong all-around English proficiency.

  1. (2) 上記の専門分野の修士または博士の学位を有すること。

日本語を母語としない者は、学位取得後、日本において、後期中等教育機関または大学、あるいはそれ  らに準ずる教育機関で、修士の場合は6年以上、博士の場合は3年以上の教育経験を有する者。日本語    を母語とする者は、上記の専門分野で修士または博士を取得後、日本において、後期中等教育機関また    は大学、あるいはそれらに準ずる教育機関で5年以上の教育経験を有する者。ただし、上記いずれの場合   も日本の大学で1年以上の教育経験(非常勤講師を含む。)を有すること。

(2)A master’s or doctoral degree in one of the areas of specialization listed above (6. Fields of Specialization). In cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is other than Japanese, at least six years of experience teaching at the secondary, tertiary, and/or equivalent levels, following the obtaining of a master’s degree; alternatively, at least three years of experience teaching at those same levels, following the achievement of a doctoral degree. In cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is Japanese, a minimum of five years of experience teaching at the secondary, tertiary, and/or equivalent levels. All applicants, regardless of native tongue, should also possess at least one year of prior experience teaching (either full-time or part-time) at a Japanese university.

(3) 教育、学生指導に熱意を有する者

(3)Enthusiasm for teaching.

(4) 英語教育を推進できる者

(4)A proactive approach to the field of English education.

(5) 入試業務に従事できる者

(5)Ability to execute entrance exam related work

(6) 彦根市内もしくは近郊に居住すること。

(6)Willingness to live in or near Hikone City.


8 募集期間(Application period)


Applications are accepted from July 25, 2018 and must arrive no later than Sept. 7, 2018 at 5 p.m.


9 応募書類(Application materials)



All documents listed below must be submitted in both paper and digital versions. The digital version should be a single PDF file saved on an SD memory card, USB flash drive, or CD-ROM.



(1)A curriculum vitae (one in Japanese and one in English) with photo attached, done in the

format designated by USP.

   滋賀県立大学 履歴書様式 (40.6 KB)

(2)研究業績調書(著書、論文、研究発表、教材等)※本学指定様式を使用し、日本語もしくは英語の  どちらかで作成すること。

(2)A list of research publications and achievements (in either English or Japanese), done in the

format designated by USP.

   研究業績調書【日本語版】.docx (19.8 KB)      List of Research Achievements (19.9 KB)


(3)Reprints (copies acceptable) of three major publications, one or more of which must have been written in English. Single-author publications are preferable; in the case of multiple authors indicate clearly which section(s) were written by the applicant. Each of the three submitted publications should be accompanied by an English abstract of 300 words or so in length.


(4)An essay (in English) which outlines your activities in English education thus far and discusses your aspirations for the current position. The essay should be approximately 1,000 words in length and can be formatted freely.


(5)A copy of the diploma or certificate of completion for highest academic degree obtained.


(6)The names, institutional affiliations, positions, and contact numbers (telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) of two personal references.



In cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is other than Japanese, copies of the certificates of results on standardized Japanese language proficiency tests (if any). 


In cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is Japanese, copies of the certificates of results on standardized English language proficiency tests (if any). 

10 選考過程 (Selection process)

(1)1次選考 書類審査
  (1) First stage: Review of written materials
(2)2次選考 書類審査後、2次選考対象者に対して面接(模擬授業を含む。)を行う。

 (2) Second stage: Interview (including sample lesson) of applicants who pass the first stage.
 The interview and sample lesson are slated to be held in late September or early October.

 (Transportation  costs for interviews will not  be reimbursed.)


(Additional materials may be requested during the selection process.)

 11 応募書類の提出先(※郵送に限る)(Address for mailing application documents (no electronic

   〒522-8533 滋賀県彦根市八坂町2500
           滋賀県立大学 全学共通教育推進機構長   倉茂  好匡 宛


Dr. Yoshimasa Kurashige

Director of the Institute for Promotion of General Education

The University of Shiga Prefecture

2500 Hassakacho, Hikone

Shiga  522-8533

(On the envelope, write in red “Application Materials for Associate Professor of English Education.” Send by registered mail. In principle, application materials, including digital data, will not be returned.)


 12 連絡先住所(Contact information)

   〒522-8533 滋賀県彦根市八坂町2500


   E-mail kyomu@office.usp.ac.jp ※質問は電子メールのみの受付とする。

Institute for the Promotion of General Education

The University of Shiga Prefecture

2500 Hassakacho, Hikone

Shiga  522-8533

E-mail: kyomu@office.usp.ac.jp

(Questions will be fielded via e-mail only.)


13 担当者職・氏名(Position of the contact person)

機構長 倉茂 好匡
Director of the Institute


14 その他(勤務時間および給与)(Additional information (working hours and salary))


         Working hours and compensation are based on the regulations of The University of

Shiga Prefecture. Further information can be accessed at the following links:


