教員A Instructor A
(1)授業担当 Classes
Basic English. 9 classes per week x 32 weeks incl. exam weeks
(2)オフィス・アワー Office hours
週1コマ 1 office hours/week
(3)機構長が必要と認める業務 Other duties as designated by the Director of the Institute
教員B Instructor B
(1)授業担当 Classes
Basic English. 8 classes per week x 32 weeks incl. exam weeks
(2)オフィス・アワー Office hours 週2コマ 2 office hours/week
(3)機構長が必要と認める業務 Other duties as designated by the Director of the Institute
2.部署名 (Department)
全学共通教育推進機構 Institute for Promotion of General Education
3.職種 (Job Title)
Adjunct Instructor (Adjunct Associate Professor for English Education)
4.勤務形態(Work Schedule)
原則月16日勤務 (火曜日~金曜日 始業時刻:8時30分 終業時刻:17時15分)
所定勤務時間外および休日勤務:原則なし In principle, presence at the school
16 days/month, 8:30a.m.-5:15p.m. Tue.-Fri. In principle, no overtime requirements
or duties on public holidays.
5.任期 (Term of Office)
1年(再契約により最長5年まで) 1 year, renewable to maximum 5 years
6.人員 (Number of Positions)
2名 2 positions
7.教育専門分野 (Fields of Specialization)
English education, linguistics, British/American literature, English communication, or
related fields
以下のいずれにも該当する者 Candidates should meet all of the following conditions.
語運用能力を有する者 To have sufficient Japanese ability to read school documents and
participate in meetings, in cases where the applicant’s mother tongue is not Japanese
年以上の教育経験を有する者 To have a master’s degree and 3 years of subsequent teaching
experience at university or equivalent level
③教育、学生指導に熱意を有する者 To have enthusiasm for teaching
9.募集期間 (Application Period)
2016年 1月28日(木) – 2016年2月12日(金)12:00(必着) Applications are accepted
from January 28, 2016, and must arrive no later than February 12, 2016 at 12 p.m.
10.着任(採用)時期(Starting Date)
2016年4月01日(水) Apr. 1, 2016
11.応募書類(送付先含む)(Application Materials)
①履歴書(本学指定様式、写真貼付のこと) Curriculum Vitae (one in English and one in
Japanese) with photo attached, done in the format designated by USP
②教育研究業績リスト(著書、論文、研究発表、教材等) List of publications and achievements
(in Japanese)
③主要業績(3点まで)の別刷りまたは写し Reprints (copies acceptable) of up to 3 major
A discussion of your aspirations for teaching at this university and the approaches you
would adopt in your teaching, written in either Japanese or English and approximately
2,000 characters (Japanese) or 1,000 words (English) in length.
An interview and/or additional material may be requested.
Transportation costs for interviews will not be reimbursed.
滋賀県立大学 全学共通教育推進機構長 倉茂好匡 宛
〒522-8533 滋賀県彦根市八坂町2500
Address for mailing documents: Prof. Yoshimasa Kurashige , Director of the Institute
for Promotion of General Education, The University of Shiga Prefecture, 2500 Hassaka-cho,
Hikone, Shiga 〒522-8533
お、原則として提出書類は返却しません。 On the envelope, write in red “Application Materials
for Adjunct Instructor Position (English)”. Send by registered mail. On principle,
application materials will not be returned.
連絡先住所(Contact Information)
〒522-8533 滋賀県彦根市八坂町2500
E-mail kyomu@office.usp.ac.jp ※質問はメールのみの受付となります。
Questions will be accepted by e-mail only.
12.担当者役職名(Position of Contact Person)
機構長 Director of the Institute
13.担当者氏名(Contact Person)
倉茂好匡 Yoshimasa Kurashige, Director
14.備考(Additional Information)
①給与等:年俸(教員A 4,728,000円、教員B 4,368,000円)と通勤費を支給します。
Annual salary (Instructor A :\4,728,000, Instructor B:\4,368,000 ) plus commuting
expenses. No additional allowances/bonuses.
Fixed supplementary (\180,000) allowance
※①と②の金額はそれぞれH27実績のため、変更される場合があります。The terms described
above (①and②) are for 2015, and may be subject to change.
③社会保険は本学契約職員に準じます。 Social benefits including health insurance
will be in accordance with university contract personnel regulations.